2021 Call for Abstracts and Elevator Talks

The submission system for the 12th IAHPR Meeting is now open and will close on 22 April (four weeks).

To submit an abstract or elevator talk: CLICK HERE

Researchers may submit abstracts for podium presentations and/or apply for an elevator talk. Each podium abstract should follow the guidelines and have four sections (Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions; each up to 500 characters), up to 10 authors, and up to six references. Abstracts accepted for podium presentation will be published in The Patient. Each application for an elevator talk has two sections (Biography, Ongoing Research; each up to 500 characters). Elevator talks are meant to introduce new investigators and their research to colleagues in the field. Accepted submissions will be published in HPSTR.org.

As an added incentive, each non-member presenter (podium or elevator talk) will be invited to receive a free three-year IAHPR membership (2022-2024). Researchers who give two or more podium presentations at IAHPR meetings achieve tenured membership.

After completing the submission form, a confirmation message will be sent to the email address provided. The meeting registration system will open soon after the submission deadline and the review results are typically sent three weeks later. The Meetings page describes how submissions are rated and selected as well as responses to other frequently asked questions.

If you have further comments or questions, you may list them below or send them to contact@iahpr.org. We will try to respond promptly.